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January 19, 2008


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Actually these are just common sense, simple, practical, affordable and EASY ways to start cutting down on your trash.

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News Articles about This Story

News Videos About This Story

  • ABC News
    This is a great live interview and they too capture a lot of the true spirit of the project.
  • CNN.com
    Reggie is a great host and I enjoyed this interview a great deal.
  • KTVU Bay Area News
    David Stevenson did a great job. He was sincerley interested in the project and a pleasure to talk to about the nuances of the experience.
    I love how the host makes it personal in the end and shows us the trash she generated that morning.

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Relevant Websites

  • Back to Earth inc.
    I am the CEO of this company. You can learn more about what I do every day! Let me know what you think.
  • How to Green Events
    If you produce events this site will give you the resources you need to do it and make less trash
  • Inspiring Music Video about Making a Difference
    This video by Nickleback is inspiring!
  • Stopwaste
  • The Great Plastic Menace
    Learn about a pile of plastic TWICE THE SIZE OF TEXAS floating in the ocean. It's true.
  • The Story of Stuff
    A friend of mine in Oakland made this piece. Absolutely phenomenal!
  • Trash Statistics
    I haven't verified all of the information on this site but it seems credible.
  • Women's Earth Alliance - Bottled Water vs. Free Clean Water
    This impressive organization is putting on the African Women and Water Conference in Kenya in March. They are empowering women to learn technologies to provide their own clean water to their communities. Support their efforts!
  • Zero Waste America
    This site offers the real deal perspective and a tremendous amount of statistics and information about the waste situation in our world. While it has not been updated in a while it is still a great resource. Thanks Lynn for all of your tireless research.

Relevant Books

  • Janine Benyus: Biomimicry
  • William McDonough: Cradle to Cradle
  • Christopher D. Cook: Diet for a Dead Planet
  • Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, Hunter Lovins: Natural Capitalism
  • Julia Butterfly Hill: One Makes a Difference
    Practical information, statistics and resources for finding real solutions to today's challenges. A must read!!! (*****)

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  • Seven Star inc. Green Event Planners
    Seven Star is the world’s premier green event planner, producer, and consultant. They produce the highly successful Green Festivals in SF, D.C., and Chicago.
  • To-Go Ware (re-usable containers)
    Tired of making trash from to-go containers? Get one of these awesome reusable to-go products and reduce your footprint!
  • What is Compost?
    This site will give you a good introduction to composting so you can minimize your trash, take away the smell, and make rich fertilizer to return to the earth.
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